5 Things to Watch out for While Matching Horoscope for Marriage
Astrology has been an integral part of our Indian culture for centuries, guiding individuals in different aspects of life such as love, career, and personal growth. Love knows no bounds but when it comes to marriage, many people turn to horoscope matching as a way to ensure compatibility and a harmonious union so that prospective bride and groom live peacefully.
Kundali Milan is the process of matching horoscopes of the prospective bride and groom to assess their compatibility, when they are planning to get married.
The goal is to guarantee a happy and successful marital life. In order to finish the Kundali-Milan process, one needs to know the exact day, time, and location of each person's birth. This is a long-standing custom to unlock the secrets of compatibility.
Even though the ritual is very significant and steeped in tradition, understanding which aspects correspond with the horoscope is crucial. These five processes are the most crucial ones, according to astrologers, but they frequently take into account other procedures to match the horoscope, under which numerous aspects are assessed to match out the horoscope. These five elements are:
1. Birth chart preparation: An astrologer creates the birth charts, or Kundali, for the prospective bride and groom in this fundamental step of horoscope matching. The precise day, time, and location of their births constitute the foundation of these charts. Numerous astrological elements are determined in large part by the placements of the celestial bodies at the moment of birth.
2. Ashtakoot Milan: This technique of matching horoscopes is employed in Vedic astrology to determine a prospective couple's compatibility. The term Ashtakoot is derived from the words "ashta" and "koota," which allude to the eight aspects. It is predicated on an examination of eight facets, or kootas, found in the bride and groom's birth charts. Every component has been given a particular number, and the total score is what's used to determine how compatible the two are. Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot, and Nadi are these eight kootas.
3. Scoring and Interpretation: Points are allotted to each of the eight elements; for example, Varna receives one point, Tara receives three, Bhakoot receives seven, and Nadi receives eight. Couples are given scores according to the astrologer's interpretation after taking into account the guidelines and procedure. Higher compatibility is indicated by higher overall scores. A couple must score at least 16 to be compatible, with a maximum of 32 points available.
4. Checking for Dosha: Doshas are defects, flaws, or imbalances that result from the unfavorable placement of celestial bodies in each of the 12 houses of a person's Kundali. These imbalances can affect a wide range of elements of life, including marriage, career, finances, and health. Numerous doshas, including Manglik, Bhakoot, Nadi, and others, can be found in a birth chart; however, some are severe and must be treated right away to avoid harmful consequences.
5.Recommendations - Astrologers may offer suggestions or treatments, such as certain rituals, prayers, or other actions to balance the astrological influences and lessen the negative consequences, based on the analysis of the horoscopes and the presence of doshas.
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